John Frederick Herring SrSep 12, 1795 - Sep 23, 1865
John Frederick Herring, Sr., renowned for an uncanny level of precision in his paintings, John Frederick Herring was adept at portraying an animal's individuality and emotional expression. Whether painting a thrilling race or a tranquil barnyard scene, Herring was meticulous in his execution, contributing to his status as one of the preeminent painters of animals in his day.
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John Frederick Herring Sr Paintings
All sizes listed are standard, but we offer oil paintings in a suitable size, painted in proportion to the original.
![Group portrait of three generations of the Sorby family Group portrait of three generations of the Sorby family](https://www.paintingmania.com/arts/john-frederick-herring-sr/small/group-portrait-three-generations-sorby-family-215_31550.jpg?version=14.05.22)
- Group portrait of three generations of the Sorby family
John Frederick Herring Sr
- 30 X 40 in
- $469.95
- other sizes available
![H.R.H. the Prince of Wale's dark bay racehorse Orville in a landscape H.R.H. the Prince of Wale's dark bay racehorse Orville in a landscape](https://www.paintingmania.com/arts/john-frederick-herring-sr/small/h-r-h-prince-wales-dark-bay-racehorse-orville-landscape-215_31579.jpg?version=14.05.22)
- H.R.H. the Prince of Wale's dark bay racehorse Orville in a landscape
John Frederick Herring Sr
- 20 X 24 in
- $175.95
- other sizes available
![Hornsea, winner of the 1836 Goodwood Cup, with Bill Scott up Hornsea, winner of the 1836 Goodwood Cup, with Bill Scott up](https://www.paintingmania.com/arts/john-frederick-herring-sr/small/hornsea-winner-1836-goodwood-cup-bill-scott-up-215_31116.jpg?version=14.05.22)
- Hornsea, winner of the 1836 Goodwood Cup, with Bill Scott up
John Frederick Herring Sr
- 20 X 24 in
- $175.95
- other sizes available
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