What are oil painting reproductions?
Oil painting reproductions are hand-painted recreations of original paintings. The originals are made by well-known and respected artists such as Van Gogh, Monet, Picasso and many more. Reproductions allow you to own a replica of a masterpiece that only the very rich could afford. Many of the originals could only be found in world famous art museums. A reproduction is your chance of owning magnificent art at an affordable price.
What is the difference between your oil paintings and the prints I see everywhere else?
The prints that you can find on many sites on the Internet and in many stores are just printed images of original paintings. The oil paintings on PaintingMania.com are actual hand-made reproductions. These paintings are made by talented artists who replicate works of art made by some of the world’s greatest masters. This is your opportunity to own a hand-made masterpiece.
Are the oil paintings made by a computer or are they hand-painted
The oil paintings on this website are entirely hand-painted. They are not machine generated. Individual artists make these paintings. Brush stroke by brush stroke these artists duplicate masterpieces that belong in some of the worlds greatest museums.
Does the reproduction look exactly like the original?
At PaintingMania.com the reproductions are made by hand. We examine the works that we acquire very carefully. We make sure that our reproductions contain the same brushstrokes and techniques used by the original artist. However, since the paintings are made by hand and are not computer generated there is always a slight variation between the reproduction and the original.
Does the reproduction look exactly like the picture on this web page?
The pictures on this website are of the paintings that we own. However, you must take into account that the view of your computer screen can cause a slight distortion of the colors. Also when we receive more than one unit of the same painting there is always a small difference between each of them. The oil paintings on PaintingMania.com are hand-painted and therefore some variation is always a possibility.
Why would I buy a reproduction?
Reproductions are an opportunity for the general public to actually see and even own some of the otherwise unaffordable and often safely stored away art masterpieces. Whether it is a Monet in your living room that helps to educate and expose your children to art, or it is a Van Gogh in your office's reception area, these hand-painted masterpieces will not only draw great attention, but they will add sophistication to your walls and rooms.
Why are your prices so low?
PaintingMania.com specializes in providing low cost, hand painted oil paintings. We have an unmatched ability to purchase paintings at a low price and instead of increasing our profit we transfer the savings to our customers. Buying from PaintingMania.com gives you the opportunity to purchase oil paintings at the wholesale price.
How long will I have to wait for my painting?
Your painting usually gets shipped to you within 24 hours (from Monday to Saturday), out of stock item will take 5-10 days to paint, Expedited shipment takes 3 - 5 days / Registered Small Packet Airmail takes 7 - 15 days.
What precautions are taken to ship the painting safely to the customer?
Due to the caliber of the product, we take extra care to ship it to you safely. It is shipped rolled inside a tube.
How much are the shipping charges?
Air Express shipping charge normally is $22.00 - $35.00 for roll tube packaging. Roll tube packet 1kg(one or two pieces), shipped by USPS costs $22.00(only to USA), by DHL costs about $30.00 to USA/Europe and etc. $12.95 shipping charge for small size (e.g., size <= 20 x 24 in) for worldwide.
What is your Return Policy?
PaintingMania.com has a 45-Day Money Back Guarantee. If you are not completely satisfied with your art you are welcome to return it for a full refund of the purchase price. But custom orders are final, no refunds or returns.
Do you charge sales tax?
Is ordering online safe?
In today's commerce, online shopping is becoming more and more popular. In this climate, it is highly important to you. We receive you payment through PayPal or Wire transfer. We also have a Toll-Free (86)755-28726144 or (86)013543279276 order line!
Do you sell worldwide?
Yes, we accept international orders.
Can I purchase by phone?
Yes, you can order by phone. Pick the painting of your choice and call an PaintingMania.com representative at
(86)755-28726144 or (86)013543279276. Our representative will be happy to take your order.
How do I place an order?
Ordering from PaintingMania.com is fast, safe and convenient. Simply place the oil painting you wish to order in your electronic shopping cart by clicking on the “Add to Cart” button located beneath the product description. When you're ready to order or want to modify your shopping cart, just click the “CART” button located on the top left side of every page. For security, System will let you Sign In to verify you identity. Then enter your address information and click “Ship to this address”. Choose one of the 2 available shipping methods and click “Continue”. Finally, choose one of the 2 available payment methods: Paypal or Wire transfer and click “Place your order”. You can also call our toll free ordering line at (86)755-28726144 or (86)013543279276. Detailed instructions can be found on the ordering pages themselves.
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