Theo van RysselbergheNov 23, 1862 - Dec 14, 1926
Théo van Rysselberghe was a Belgian neo-impressionist painter, who played a pivotal role in the European art scene at the turn of the century. Rysselberghe shifted from the pointillist brushwork he had employed to a more integrated style of color application. Portraits are what Rysselberghe is most known for whereas many of the Post-Impressionists favored landscapes. He used electric color combinations side by side in broad strokes to pulsating effect.
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Theo van Rysselberghe Paintings
All sizes listed are standard, but we offer oil paintings in a suitable size, painted in proportion to the original.

- Ile du Levant, View from Cape Benat, Brittany
Theo van Rysselberghe
- 20 X 24 in
- $155.95
- other sizes available

- Lady in White, Portrait of Mrs. Theo Van Rysselberghe
Theo van Rysselberghe
- 20 X 24 in
- $175.95
- other sizes available
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